"But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles...(Isaiah 40:31)

"And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make your free." (John 8:32)

What is the truth?
Jesus said, "...I am the way, the truth, and the life..." (John 14:6). And the truth (Jesus) is encoded in the great prophecies of the Old Testament!

The Gift of Prophecy - the third eye

Prophecy is the gift of seeing with the third eye. Through inspiration from the higher realm, it can see things before they happen. Certainly, great prophecies are not trivial. The fulfillment of prophecy can affect the destiny of human civilization and the entire world at every level. The appearance of Jesus was foretold by the writers of the Old Testament more than a thousand years ago and then confirmed by the writers of the New Testament. It can be said that the appearance of Jesus not only affected the material civilization of mankind, but He also transformed the spiritual realm of human life. He made it possible for those who believe in Him to enter the kingdom of God, who created the universe.

Prophecies about Jesus are written in shadow form in many of the Old Testament books. For example, the great prophet Isaiah predicted that a messenger would prepare the way for the Messiah, Jesus, in the wilderness. Metaphorically speaking, this messenger was like a runway prepared for the arrival of the most powerful aircraft, the Messiah Jesus Christ. All the other prophecies about the Messiah in the Old Testament had been fulfilled. God seems to have given advance warning about some of the great events that were to occur later. A recent example of this are those who had the power of foreknowledge. These events occurred long after these people left this world.

  • In 1660, Robert Boyle predicted organ transplants. In 1954, the first successful organ transplant was done by Dr. Joseph Murray at the Brigham & Women's Hospital in Boston, Ma. Dr. Joseph Murray was awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine.
  • In 1555, Nostradamus predicted the Great Fire of London. After he died in 1566, the Great Fire of London came true in 1666 - a hundred years after his death.
  • In 1865, Jules Verne imagined a man on the moon. In 1969, the first American astronaut, Neil Armstrong landed on the moon.
  • In 1888, Edward Bellamy envisaged the debit card. The first debit card was introduced in 1966.
  • In 1909, Nikola Tesla predicted Wi-Fi and mobile phones. Mobile phones started in the 1940s and Wi-Fi in 1997.
  • In 1968, Arthur C. Clark imagined the iPad. The first iPad was launched in 2010.

It should be noted that the people mentioned above did not foresee a single coherent event, but different kinds. They are not people like the Old Testament prophets who were devoted and closer to God. He gave them visions or dreams of what would happen about a single and focused event - Jesus the Messiah. On the one hand, now that all of the above predictions, from 1660 to 1968 have been realized, on the other hand, the New Testament has confirmed the fulfillment concerning the prophecies of Jesus Christ, made over a thousand years ago, expressed (directly or indirectly) in the Old Testament in the form of shadows. It goes without saying, of course, that the Bible is a divine book - a perfect divine book written by human hands, but orchestrated by God through the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit.

The Bible is a Divine Book

Jesus Christ, the Second Person of the Trinity was foretold long ago in various books of the Old Testament as the Savior for the people of the world. Old Testament authors predicted the Messiah who later, in a proper time, came down from heaven to planet earth, and took on the very nature of a servant. And being found in human likeness he humbled himself and gave himself as a ransom for all. The various prophecies directed toward the Messiah by the authors of the various books of the Old Testament are like pieces of a puzzle (these pieces were obviously and metaphorically missing at the time of the Old Testament world because they had not yet been fulfilled but they appeared in shadow form) that would fit perfectly into the prophecy of the Big picture of Redemption.

Big Picture of Redemption

This unified prophecy of salvation concerning the Messiah Jesus was later fulfilled by the writings of the authors of the New Testament. The shadowy pieces of the puzzle were illuminated and the Big picture of Redemption revealed. Such glorious achievements, spanning over a thousand years, could not have been formulated, created, or conceived by one individual or group, however brilliant and intelligent, without the inspiration and guidance of the Holy Spirit. In short, the Holy Spirit over a thousand years oversaw and guided the hands and pens of both the Old and New Testament writers and systematically organized their writings into one sacred book, the Bible. The Holy Spirit is the Chief Editor Officer of the Bible. The Holy Spirit is the Third Person of the Godhead. Thus, the essence of the Bible is, as Paul said in 2 Timothy 3:16, "All Scripture is God-breathed." Charles Spurgeon, the famous nineteenth-century British Baptist preacher, said that the heart of the gospel (or the revelation of Jesus Christ) is redemption. And the first shadow of the gospel was in the very early stages of God's creation in the book of Genesis in the Old Testament.

Protoevangelium - the Earliest or the First Gospel

Now, let us begin to look at the first shadow of Jesus the Messiah and how he was prophesied by the writer of the Old Testament in Genesis 3:15. This first shadow is called the protoevangelium - the first gospel. Under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, Moses wrote the first one-verse gospel (Genesis 3:15) about 1500 years before Christ.


The Online Trinity School of Faith (TSOF)* offers FREE tuition lessons on prophecy. The prophecy in each lesson is selected from the most important prophecies (among many others in the Old Testament) and explained in detail in chronological order. Each lesson contains quiz questions and an assignment. Upon completion of the course, you will receive the following benefits:


(i) Inwardly:
  • While you may be waiting upon the Lord, attending these lessons will renew your strength and make you soar with wings like an eagle!
  • And the more you know about how the truth was hidden in the Old Testament and how it was chronologically and systematically revealed in the New Testament, the more the truth (Jesus) will set you free from every bondage.

    (ii) Outwardly:
  • The course will equip you with the strong foundation you need to be a competent apologist.
  • In a way, you will become an evangelist who, directly or indirectly, helps strengthening the Body of Christ.

  • (iii) Reward:
  • You will receive a FREE beautiful certificate of completion in recognition of your time and effort you have put into the course.

    [Note:*Trinity School of Faith is NOT a physical building but a virtual school that provides online courses for believers.]

  • Click on the button to start

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